Adults in music met in Vilnius
On the eve of the Street Music Day, a meeting of music-loving adults took place in Vilnius in the space of a sheet music store. It is common to think that music lovers are the people who meet at the concerts, discuss recordings or musical places important for musicians. However, since 2013, Lithuania significally increased the number of people who play piano or any other instrument from adulthood. The ones who want to refresh their skills from music schools join as well.
It is these people, who rarely meet each other in their daily lives, I’ve invited to meet on 17 May in Vilnius. Most of them are my current or former students. Also Marius, who plays the flute and rent the TonArt studio for self-practise since the pandemic, and a couple of friends who sing in the choir.
It felt good to listen to people playing the music of F. Chopin, L. Einaudi, A. Piazolla, Mettalica and M. K. Čiurlionis. Artists, financiers, businessmen, lawyers, IT specialists together with professional pianists, shared the same thing: the sensitivity of music through the power of the voice and the hands.
The TonArt piano studio, founded 10 years ago, is finally becoming a true MUSIC HOME for all those who love Music and dive into its depths. Thank you!
Our next meeting on the occasion of the International Music Day on 1 October this year!
See you soon!
Eglė Andrejevaitė, pianist, founder of TonArt