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(5 customer reviews)

Individual lessons

80,00 500,00 

Eglė Andrejevaitė will provide you with the highest quality music lessons according to your learning goal and applying classical playing principles: proper hand posture, theory, practice, artistic tasks. „The atmosphere is very positive and informal. The teacher explained difficult things easily so I could understand” – the feedback often heard from her students.

Individual lessons will be programmed according to:

  • Your experience;
  • Your goal;
  • The possibility to practice at home.

Please choose:

  • 1 individual piano lesson | trial lesson ( paid before / after the lesson)
  • 5 individual piano lessons | PIANO ABC (paid in advance)
  • 10 + 1 individual piano lessons | PIANO BASIC (paid before / after first lesson)

You will meet your piano instructor and try playing piano during the trial lesson.

You’ll learn (or will be reminded):

  • piano anatomy and history,
  • correct posture of your hands and body,
  • play an easy duet piece by ear.

A trial lesson for someone who has not played before will be about meeting and feeling the instrument, thinking about your future learning goals and hearing the instructors’s advice on how to achieve those goals.

A trial lesson for someone who has experience, will be about remembering basic techniques and skills, understanding tasks you would need to complete to achieve your goals, and getting advice from the instructor.

Grand pianos are rich in harmonies and tone, but also in different ways how to play each note. If you want the piano „to tell a story”, your imagination is not enough. Important things are your posture, coordination, movements and knowledge. In PIANO ABC (basic piano skills for beginners), you will learn:

  • comfortable body posture,
  • different hand movements,
  • fingering,
  • how to read sheet music (Treble and Bass Clef),
  • exercises.

Advanced players will train their sense of rhythm, learn about harmonies and dynamics.

The PIANO ABC course is valid for three months after the first lesson is completed.

This course will provide you with essential skills. You will carefully and consistently go through the main music theory which you apply in practice. Course is made with balance in time, rhythm and tempo between essential themes and your needs. PIANO BASIC is extended PIANO ABC course and with added topics of:

  • learning about different ways to performing,
  • various tips for learning by ear.

You will get +1 lesson as a gift 🎁 if you buy this course first time.

This course is valid for 6 months after the first lesson is completed.

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5 reviews for Individual lessons

  1. Dovidas

    Atrodo, kad Eglė moka prieiti prie kiekvieno žmogaus ir atrasti būda kaip išmokyti groti. Galima tikėtis šilto priėjimo, supratimo ir nuostabos, kaip greitai išmokstama groti visiems kurie ateina pirmą kartą groti fortepijonu.

    Eglė nuostabi mokytoja ir nuostabus žmogus su kuriuo ne tik malonu mokytis, bet ir džiugu spręsti gyvenimo problemas.

  2. Svetlana Ziubrovskiene

    Tai gražiausios mano gyvenimo akimirkos! Eglės priėjimas ir gebėjimas pajausti, atpažinti ir motyvuoti yra už racionalaus suvokimo ribų. Be galo dėkinga ir laukiu naujų susitikimų!

  3. Loreta

    Muzikos mokyklos baigimo atestatas kartu su pagyrimo rastu ilgai gulejo padeti i stalciu . 20 metu… kol galiausiai po kitu studiju baigimu, vaiku gimimu, karjeros aukstumu siekimo pastebejau, kad sypsena veide jau nebe ta… I pianino pamokas atejau siaurinti racionalaus proto veikimo diapazono ir plesti jausmo, intuicijos, atradimu diapazona.
    Mokytojos Egles pianino pamokose pradedu geriau pazinti ne tik natas, bet ir save.

  4. Ana Matulevičiūte

    Eglė is an amazing teacher and person! I was honored to learn from her and so will you! I can’t recommend her enough, she is truly wonderful.

  5. Jurgita

    Pirmoji pamoka buvo nuostabi, šilta, bet buvo baisu. O baisu buvo savo pačios vidinių įsitikinimų ir vidinės kontrolės, kad nepavyks. Tačiau Eglei pasidalinus su manimi keletą triukų įtikino mano protą atsipalaiduoti, ir kad aš galiu net per pirmą pamoką sugroti. Ir man PAVYKO!
    Per šią pamoką labai aiškiai pajutau, kad muzikos grojimas duoda įsižeminimą, fortepijonas paima blogas emocijas ir jas tarsi sugeria per pirštus grojant, išėjau gerokai palengvėjusi emociškai, ir dėkoju už pirmą kartą patirtą patirtį – grojimą fortepijonu.
    Man labai patiko Eglės nuostabūs pedagoginiai-psichologiniai gebėjimai individualiai prieiti prie asmenybės, suprasti kaip jis savo galvoje dėliojasi ir supranta muziką bei jos atlikimą. Tai buvo labai stipru. Nuoširdžiai dėkoju ir tikrai rekomenduoju. BRAVO!

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